If you have never considered the possibility of your having any of the above mentioned conditions, please, consider it now. Take the screening questionnaires below to prescreen for Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder and more. If Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder, or any other mental health condition, is a possibility for you, and/or your spouse, and you do not address it, you may find parenting your child, and following through with the necessary interventions and healthy parenting techniques far more difficult and stressful than it need be.
If you often feel stressed, overwhelmed, worn out by your children...
If things are out of control in your home and you feel you can never catch up...
If you have trouble keeping up with all you have to do...
the difficulty may not be with your parenting skills,
that your child has ADHD and is a challenge to raise.
You may be one of society's many undiagnosed ADHD adults.
If you recognize some of your child's ADHD traits in yourself,
please take the ADHD prescreening questionnaire before you go any further!